Home grown veg. are the best
Baz wrote:
I will always grow potatoes, tomatoes, peas, broad beans and runner beans.
They seem to be, for me anyway, reliable every year.
I was just saying to my dad today - there are a lot of people who say
that you are better off buying frozen peas to homegrown, as they are
frozen fresher (almost even if you eat straight from the plant!) and
they keep well, and there's not a /huge/ amount of variety in what you
can grow (although I think there's more than is claimed).
I will always grow sweetcorn, regardless of how poor a crop/effort ratio
you seem to get. ANd courgettes - they sometimes get munched to useless,
but treated right they are very reliable.
And butternut squash, because once they get going they just look after
themselves. And keep well. We have about 20 that will be ready for us
over the winter.
And regardless of how much I seem to fail, I'll always try growing a
variety of brassicas - the first cauliflower of the season that we ate
with our tea tonight just gave me such a thrill of "at last!", even if
it was tiny!