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Old 17-09-2013, 06:46 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David Hill David Hill is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2012
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Default Strange orchid behaviour?

On 17/09/2013 13:53, Sacha wrote:
On 2013-09-17 13:41:04 +0100, Spider said:

On 17/09/2013 09:25, Pam Moore wrote:
On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 17:24:21 +0100, "Bob Hobden"

"Sacha" wrote

I have a two stem orchid, a phalaenopsis and one stem appears to be
producing a budding shoot from a leaf node a third of the way up
one 2'
stem and it looks as if there might be a bud forming on the very
tip of
that original stem. The other seemed to be doing the same at the
tip but it
was knocked off. ;-( I'm just letting it get on with it but
wondered if
this is normal behaviour for these orchids. All the other leaf
nodes are
blank and it's going to look a bit strange when/if it flowers! The
original stems aren't dying back at all, so I've left well alone.

Very normal behaviour. In the hands of the experts the flower stems
constantly lengthen, stop, flower, and lengthen etc according to
so they end up with dozens of flowers on one stem if they can keep the
original flowers looking good. They can also grow a new orchid on
the flower
stem instead of a flower, one of mine is doing that now.
I sometimes cut the flower spikes off completely so the plant has a
rest and
then makes new ones if they start to look strange/untidy.

I can remember paying £25 for one of these orchids about 40 years
ago from a
specialist grower, now you can pick them up for £5 in Sainsburys and
are now easy to grow too which they didn't used to be.

Our local greengrocer had some for £3.99 yesterday, looking quite
good! I resisted the urge to buy because I have 4 already.

Pam in Bristol

You should have bought a few, Pam! I would have. Four is nothing ...
I've got 34! .. and that's not counting the hardy types. If I had a
heated greenhouse or conservatory, there'd be no stopping me :)

I do hope RG didn't read this!! ;-)

In Morrison's today I saw a pot of Dendrobium orchids, 2 stems and
flowers right from pot level to the top fantastic, but I,m not that good
with orchids and at £10 though it's very good value it's not for me.
They had 3 other plants but not of the same quality.
David @ a now almost sunny side of Swansea Bay