On 2013-09-13 16:47:20 +0100, Chris Hogg said:
On Fri, 13 Sep 2013 16:18:34 +0100, Sacha
David Hill - or any Dahlia afficionado, am I correct in thinking this
is Dahlia coccinea?
Picture is of a little girl, possibly Chinese, pulling a large panda
There is a message "We’re aware of the problem and are fixing it.
Thanks for your patience.", so I assume she's not the Dahlia in
question! :-)
Now, I saw that this morning when I first tried to upload some photos.
'They' were doing something or other to Flickr and it was out of action
for a while. This afternoon, I tried again and all seemed to go
perfectly smoothly. Thanks for the heads up, Chris. I'll go back and
try to see what's going on!
South Devon