On 10/09/2013 07:56, 'Mike' wrote:
So therefore the fact that we, and lots of other gardeners feed the
birds in general make the Pigeons nest build and breed. Why not the
other birds?
"Alf King" wrote in message
On Mon, 09 Sep 2013 14:53:17 +0100, Broadback
On 09/09/2013 10:57, 'Mike' wrote:
Why are the Pigeons gathering nesting materials?
I understand that pigeon nest all year round. No doubt someone will be
along to put me right and say that is an urban myth.
Pigeons in this country will breed whenever there is the opportunity
of food being available to rear their broods. i believe that there
have been breeding records from virtually all of the months of the
year, for feral pigeons at least.
Alf King
I do not think that the feeding is relevant. I assume you meant wood
pigeons, as that is what we have in excess around here. As they have
only recently become "domesticated" whereas I understand they bred all
the year round before that.