OT I've been baned from Tesco
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09-09-2013, 06:53 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2013
Posts: 548
OT I've been baned from Tesco
In article ,
On 09/09/2013 10:03, Dave Liquorice wrote:
On Mon, 09 Sep 2013 08:38:29 +0100, Broadback wrote:
Well Bill,personally I care not how many spieling mistakes, grammatical
errors you made, the important thing for me was that you brightened up
my Monday morning, many thanks.
I almost suggested that if the story was true and recent he ought to
contact the tabloids and make a bob or two. B-)
I am feeling particularly p*ssed off as out combi boiler has been broken
for almost a week, so I am smelly and my hair could be used to fry
Oh dear, how sad. Can people not improvise thses days?
What's wrong with the wash basin/kitchen sink and kettle for hot
water? Or if the kettle is bust as well (implying no gas or
electricity supply, so pans no good either) the hose pipe filled with
water and laid out in the sun for a few hours, then drained into a
bucket to take indoors. That'll at least take the chill off it.
Finally cold water is just "bracing". B-)
That is exactly what we have to do. But sadly I threw out the tin bath a
couple of years back.
Plastic washing up bowl is cheap and works as well. Stand in it for
all over wash; then wash hair.
Don't your neighbours/friends have a shower you could use?
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