On 07/09/2013 21:48, Janet wrote:
In article 231446315400262242.805093leslie.beryl-
, says...
Datura. !! Jimson Weed most dangerous hallucianating and killing plant in
This plant will grow anywhere
Probably not in the cooler parts of UK.
It will grow and flower feebly outdoors without any help for me up in
North Yorkshire. Wouldn't stand a chance against native weeds though.
Produces huge numbers of seeds but only a handful survive. Very
borderline but it hangs on as do a few self seeded tomato plants.
(definitely less hardy than tomato)
BTW last year I did an accidental experiment because the weather was so
bad I ended up overwintering a modest sized chilli and a pepper plant
and they got off to a really flying start this year. Worth a try if you
have some warm well lit space to keep them ticking over during winter.
Martin Brown