Thread: datura
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Old 09-09-2013, 08:47 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Martin Brown Martin Brown is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,262
Default datura

On 07/09/2013 17:48, leslie wrote:
Datura. !! Jimson Weed most dangerous hallucianating and killing plant in

Not even close.

This plant will grow anywhere and if found in the wild should be destroyed
on sight


It does just about survive in sheltered UK gardens and a few volunteer
seeds will survive our winters but not for the nicer sterile? cultivars.

I grow all sorts of datura and related plants. The smell of bruised
stems alone should be enough to put people off eating them. Its seeds
make rather good free lethal rodent bait in the greenhouse.

The smell of the trumpet flowers in the evening is exquisite. Well worth
growing and just ignore the US "war on drugs" hysteria. They are widely
grown as council bedding plants in the warmer regions along with the
Castor Oil plant. Its ricin content is of notorious WMD lethality.

We can also grow lophophora williamsii and a load of other US native
plants the cultivation of which is a serious criminal offence in the so
called "Land of the Free". Even better we grow papaver somniferum better
known as "The Opium Poppy" as a garden ornamental in the UK. There is
neither strong enough sun here nor enough active ingredient in the ones
bred for pretty flowers to be worth bothering about.

Basically the clear advice is don't eat any and wash your hands after
handling them. The one toxic plant I really find unbearable is henbane -
the smell of that really did make me want to get away from it quickly.

Martin Brown