Thread: Kilner jars.
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Old 03-09-2013, 06:13 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Gary Woods Gary Woods is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 727
Default Kilner jars.

Tom Gardner wrote:

Several decades ago several people were poisoned by botulism
in canned salmon from a major manufacturer. I remember this
since at the end of the week it was in the news my cousin
married one of the daughters of the MD of the company.

There was an incident in the U.S. some time ago with botulism and a few
fatalities from canned mushroom soup....the processor had problems with the
apparatus that monitors temperatures (required for commercial processing)
during the canning cycle, and temperatures hadn't been high enough for long

BTW, I can tomatoes using a pressure canner (5 pounds/15 minutes), not for
safety reasons, but because it takes a LOT less electrical energy to do
than heating a big pot of water. Not to mention how long it takes to boil
a big pot of water on one of those pretty "glass top"

Gary Woods AKA K2AHC- PGP key on request, or at
Zone 5/4 in upstate New York, 1420' elevation. NY WO G