Thread: Kilner jars.
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Old 02-09-2013, 03:11 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Baz[_3_] Baz[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2010
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Default Kilner jars.

"Christina Websell" wrote in

"Janet" wrote in message
In article ,

"Baz" wrote in message
I went to the car boot market this morning to get me spring cabbage
and bought a box of 30ish 1 and 2 pint kilner jars for £3.50. Most
of the
seals are nacked, but no problem I can make some.

I'd be very interested to know how to make home-made seals for
Kilner jars
that are safe to keep the contents.


Why take the risk: proper new ones are easily available.


I have not found any for imperial jars.

wouldn't dream of it, just interested about Baz's idea of buying
Kilner jars and finding a way to seal them safely without buying the
proper seals.

How does that work, Baz? I'd really like to know.

It works very, very, simply indeed.
You need tools, (a pair of compass and a craft knife) and FOOD SAFE
rubber or neoprene sheet, 2 or 3mm thick.
You use the compass to draw a circle and use the craft knife to cut it
out. You shorten the radius to suit and do the same to create an "O"
Now that is not difficult is it!
That is the long way round. I doubt you would be interested in putting a
scalpel blade into a set of dividers.
