Power of supermarkets
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02-09-2013, 02:49 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2009
Posts: 3,959
Power of supermarkets
Janet, 'Upstairs' are not aware and don't give two hoots about how
'Downstairs' struggle. Unless they have been 'Downstairs' themselves at some
time. Different kettle of fish then.
"Janet" wrote in message
In article ,
What a lot of assumptions you do make, Janet. You know much less than
you think about my life now, or in the past.
I know what you just posted from that moral pedestal;
"The more I hear of this sort of thing, the less inclined I am to use
supermarkets and am minded to go back to the old days of shopping at
small individual shops for every need, wherever possible. It's less
convenient, it takes longer and it may well be a bit more expensive"
God forbid I should make my own choices about when, where and how to
spend my money.
The point I made is that having that choice is a privilege.
Everyone has the choice of where and how they spend their money,
whatever the source of that money.
Rubbish. Those with less money have no choice but to shop where its
cheapest. Which is never, those little independent shops which can't
match supermarket prices. The independents survive only where there are
enough customers affluent enough to pay more.
Don't play the class card, Janet.
I haven't; you repeatedly do.
Your life is not lived in tower block hell; your husband and sons have
or had jobs in extremely well paid professions and you have had the
luxury of making choices about where and how you live and shop.
Exactly! It is you, not me, playing some imaginary class game. But
(unlike you) I do not labour under the delusion that everybody has the
same choices you or I do.
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