Thread: Kilner jars.
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Old 02-09-2013, 02:42 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Jeff Layman[_2_] Jeff Layman[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 2,166
Default Kilner jars.

On 01/09/2013 18:48, Baz wrote:
Jeff Layman wrote in

On 01/09/2013 14:29, Baz wrote:
I went to the car boot market this morning to get me spring cabbage
plants and bought a box of 30ish 1 and 2 pint kilner jars for £3.50.
Most of the seals are nacked, but no problem I can make some.
I am going to do some beetroot, onions, tomatoes and some cucumbers
That will take 10 jars maximum.
What else can I store in them? My auntie makes all the jam and
marmalade until such times when she can't anymore.

I can give them away, and I will, no problem, but I like the idea of
preserving what I can. If I give them away they will be full,
probably of beetroot or onions. Maybe tomatoes, seeing as how they
have started to ripen by the minute.


Basically, any vegetable/fruit that needs to be boiled to be cooked
could be stored cooked in a Kilner Jar. I happen to love ratatouille,
and I see no reason why that couldn't' be cooked and stored in a KJ.
What about ready-prepared mushy peas? Curried aubergines (or other
"fruit" veg)? Apple and/or pear puree?

There are some good ideas. Thanks Jeff.
Not been the best of years for fruit and veg. but there is next year to
look forward to.
I think my world champion chilli with mushrooms and extra garlic with soya
beans is a candidate. Well I like it. I will get some jarred and see.


One other suggestion. Go round the canned and/or bottled fruit and veg
shelves of a large supermarket or two (maybe a Lidl or Aldi too, as they
often have different ranges to the usual). See what they have
available. If you are growing similar things, or will be next year, you
could try the same thing if anything appeals to you.

The chilli sounds interesting, but I think you should be banned from
using a lift after eating it in case some poor soul gets stuck in there
with you!

