Thread: Kilner jars.
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Old 02-09-2013, 11:50 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Broadback[_3_] Broadback[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2012
Posts: 341
Default Kilner jars.

On 02/09/2013 07:35, Malcolm wrote:

In article , Baz writes
I went to the car boot market this morning to get me spring cabbage
and bought a box of 30ish 1 and 2 pint kilner jars for £3.50. Most of the
seals are nacked, but no problem I can make some.
I am going to do some beetroot, onions, tomatoes and some cucumbers
That will take 10 jars maximum.
What else can I store in them? My auntie makes all the jam and marmalade
until such times when she can't anymore.

I can give them away, and I will, no problem, but I like the idea of
preserving what I can. If I give them away they will be full, probably of
beetroot or onions. Maybe tomatoes, seeing as how they have started to
ripen by the minute.

Use them for fruit that doesn't freeze well. We bottle whole crab apples
in syrup.

I would use then judiciously, I remember my parent laughing that they
bottled new potatoes, thought they would be lovely for Christmas. After
a couple of months there we several very loud explosions, on
investigation the potatoes has fermented and exploded. Took them a while
to clean up the mess. Incidentally I remember mum preserving rings of
apples by salting and drying, when soaked they made very acceptable
apple pies! Mind you this was during the war, when she also preserved
runner beans in a similar fashion.