Power of supermarkets
In article , david@abacus-
nurseries.co.uk says...
I hate to interupt this cosy 2 way banter.
But if you must, you might at least read who said what.
but Janet please decide where
you stand.
You said earlier
" It may be very lovely for you, a comfortably off non-working
housewife with a car to spend more time during the day, and more money,
shopping in small businesses. Don't you realise it's a luxury to have
such means and opportunity, one denied to many working parents on a very
tight budget. They need to shop outside working hours. How many small
bakers, butchers and grocers stay open in the evening? Even if they
did, what does a single working parent do with the tired children as
s/he trails them a mile or two from shop to shop ? Carrying the
shopping, because small shops don't have a great big car park, and
trolleys with child seats."
You now say
"The more I hear of this sort of thing, the less inclined I am to use
supermarkets and am minded to go back to the old days of shopping at
small individual shops for every need, wherever possible. It's less
convenient, it takes longer and it may well be a bit more expensive"
No, I did not say that, Sacha did.
So does that make you a comfortably off non-working
housewife with a car to spend more time during the day, and more money,
shopping in small businesses?
Sacha was referring to herself.