Power of supermarkets
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01-09-2013, 04:56 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2013
Posts: 548
Power of supermarkets
In article ,
In article ,
Janet wrote:
In article ,
What a lot of assumptions you do make, Janet. You know much less than
you think about my life now, or in the past.
I know what you just posted from that moral pedestal;
"The more I hear of this sort of thing, the less inclined I am to use
supermarkets and am minded to go back to the old days of shopping at
small individual shops for every need, wherever possible. It's less
convenient, it takes longer and it may well be a bit more expensive"
Inter alia, you are making the assumption that is a moral pedestal.
Not an assumption. In two posts Sacha said it's the (supermarket
practice) moral issue that she objects to ; "it's the morality of it
that gets me".. that being the reason she is minded to stop using
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