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Old 30-08-2013, 08:10 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
stuart noble stuart noble is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2008
Posts: 806
Default Outdoor tomatoes

On 30/08/2013 16:32, David.WE.Roberts wrote:
On Fri, 30 Aug 2013 02:33:56 -0700, michael wrote:

I have a very large crop of outdoor tomatoes this year.I sprayed once
with Dithane and once with copper,and this seems to have warded of any
blight attack. However with the exceptionally dry and warm weather maybe
even these sprays were not strictly necessary.
I wonder if anyone grows the same tomato in a greenhouse and
outdoors,and agree that whereas outdoor tomatoes have very good
flavour,their skins are rather tough compared with the same varieties
under glass.

Depends where in the country you are.

In Suffolk there have been no reports of blight yet - I get emails from
Bligh****ch which tell me of Smith Periods and blight reports.

I find that skins are quite thick on outdoor tomatoes, but the flavour is
very good.

It is a few years since I grew any in a greenhouse.

I generally only grow cherry tomatoes because they are still a bit more
expensive in the shops.

I used to grow full sized tomatoes outside but just before they ripened
they were so cheap in the shops they were practically giving them away.


Dave R

I always think it's the best indicator of a good summer. Here in the SE,
the cherry types in south facing containers now have a handful ready to
pick, whereas for the last 2 years nothing has ripened outdoors.
This summer has been what I call normal, the sort of weather I remember
as a kid in the 1950s. Nothing extreme, well, not so far