Thunder on the right!
But why did you send Ray out to the car in the first place?
Ye gods - it's the Grand Inqusitor Show here! ;-) He'd gone to see a
member of the family so when it was time to come home he made a
dash for
the car and got soaked there at *that* house and this was added to by
the few paces from his car to our front door here at *this* house.
I hope I've now established I don't make him go outside and stand
in the
rain just because it's fun!
Well we know what some wifes are like, "Oh could you just pop out and
get so and so from the car I forgot it", and we do wory about Ray,
You wait - just wait....! ;-) In the rain
Who do you think I am?
Enry igins?
You're Welsh. You can't possibly sing that badly! ;-)
Half Welsh and the voice came from the English side.