Thread: Weeeeeeed!
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Old 27-08-2013, 09:10 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Phil Gurr Phil Gurr is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2009
Posts: 192
Default Weeeeeeed!

"Dave Liquorice" wrote in message
On Tue, 27 Aug 2013 09:59:04 +0100, Sacha wrote:

Collecting wild flower seed from the wild is quite legal providing
you have the landowners permission or it is on common land.
It is recommended that when collecting seed, not more than 20%
of the crop is taken.

How do you know, as an individual, when 20% of the "the crop" has
been taken? When you have taken 1:5 seed heads? But how do you know
that some one else hasn't already taken 1:5 seed heads? Or that
another person won't be along later to take another 1:5...

How many people have you seen collecting wildflower seed? When
a group of people are collecting, 20% is relatively easy to estimate
and is only a guide line.

What would you do? Ban all wildflower seed collecting or let
eveyone just hack in and take as much as they can?
