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27-08-2013, 11:00 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2013
Posts: 1,026
On 2013-08-27 09:16:13 +0100, David Hill said:
On 27/08/2013 08:55, Janet wrote:
In article ,
lid says...
On Mon, 26 Aug 2013 23:49:11 +0100, David Hill
On 26/08/2013 22:05, Martin wrote:
On Mon, 26 Aug 2013 15:13:22 +0100, David Hill
On 26/08/2013 11:29, Sacha wrote:
Gardening Express are now selling 2 litre pots of nettles for those who
lives in towns and don't have enough wildlife in their garden. Only
£7.99 per pot. They're also selling buttercups and other 'weeds'. I
really have now heard it all and am going into the field to dig up
nettles and enable us to over-winter in the Caribbean!
I'm moving upmarket with my pots of Urtica dioica, and I'm working on a
sting free variety that will cost twice as much.
Red dead nettles are there waiting to be sold.
Then it's off to the Himilayers where I've heard of giant Himalayan
stinging nettle plants, these Ill develop for fibre after all they are
the same family as hemp.
But caterpillars don't go for dead nettles like they do the real thing.
but you can eat the tops of young Lamium purpureum
Never heard of eating deadnettle. that. You can eat the tops of
Urtica dioica (and I have)
A useful spring veg, then when you have had your share the butterfly
can lay their eggs on it and the caterpillars have their share before
the birds find them.
I don't remember being given it but my grandmother swore by young
nettles as a spring tonic.
South Devon
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