On 2013-08-26 12:48:04 +0100, Jake said:
On Mon, 26 Aug 2013 11:29:20 +0100, Sacha
Gardening Express are now selling 2 litre pots of nettles for those who
lives in towns and don't have enough wildlife in their garden. Only
£7.99 per pot. They're also selling buttercups and other 'weeds'. I
really have now heard it all and am going into the field to dig up
nettles and enable us to over-winter in the Caribbean!
Great! You take care of the nettles and buttercups, I'll supply the
Himalayan balsam plants. A mix to attract all the pollinators.
Careful, though, there's a risk that while you're over wintering
someone will break in and dig up all the valuable plants from the
field. You'll need to hire security.
Amazing isn't it?! Talk about selling ice to Eskimos! It's the price
that gets me as much as the doing of it! It's commendable to want to
bring wildlife to your garden but do none of these potential buyers
have friends with gardens that can supply weeds for free?! £8 for a
pot of weeds that someone has dug up from a neglected bit of field or
garden! Dandelions too, I believe. Now - where did I put that
South Devon