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Old 25-08-2013, 08:10 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
'Mike'[_4_] 'Mike'[_4_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2009
Posts: 3,959
Default Birthday present for a lady gardener.

Can we establish as to whether it should be, or should not be, a gardening

You haven't clarified.


"Baz" wrote in message ...

Jake wrote in

On Sun, 25 Aug 2013 16:04:18 GMT, Baz wrote:

I want to spend a good few quid on my partner's birthday to say a
special thanks for looking after me this last year or so, and while
staying with her promotion at work. It has not been easy for her.
So far I have come up with no ideas at all.


I'm a Philistine. I don't rate Felcos! Someone recently told me that
after 19 years he still had his original Felcos. He'd replaced bits
over time .... When we totted things up, the only 19 year old bit was
the nut and bolt pivot!

We both have our own Felco's.
Your story above reminds me of Trigger, with his broom from "Only Fools And
Horses" That always gets me belly laughing.

For something unusual, have a look through Not
cheap at all but secateur-wise, the best pairs (I have two) I've ever
had. They have household as well as garden things.

But I guess that whatever money can buy, what she really wants is you.
And only you can find a way to give her that. Is there something she
always does (cooking's the easy one maybe) that, just for a day, you
can take over and surprise her with? If you're the worst cook in
creating but can rustle up a special beans on toast, she may well
appreciate the effort.

No, Jake, she needs a break from my cooking. And so do I.
I am back at work now so can afford to give my aunt a proper housekeeping
budget. She is the best cook and auntie in the world.

It HAS to be something else. I don't know what.

Thanks, Jake
