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Old 25-08-2013, 07:32 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
sacha sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2013
Posts: 815
Default Good reliable source of bird seed

On 2013-08-23 15:16:42 +0000, News said:

On 23/08/2013 13:10, Janet wrote:
In article ,

On 21/08/2013 22:41, Bertie Doe wrote:

The Eden Project plants an allotment sized area with sunflowers. We were
there last September and it was mainly being eaten by green and

I was there this summer - and was rather surprised to see a field full
of cannabis plants! (on the 'hillside' as you walk along the path from
the rain forest, away from the biomes). I guess they were hemp, but
there was no doubting the family. There were a lot of them too - but no
mention anywhere that I could see as to why they were planted.

Anyone know?

google is your friend

I know what hemp is, how its grown and what its used for. And I know
what the difference is between it and smokeable marijuana.

What I wondered was whether anyone knew why they were growing a field
full of it at the Eden Project. Most things they have there a fairly
detailed description and explanation for the 'exhibit'. There was
nothing for the cannabis field. (And it did smell a bit stronger than
standard hemp - but I'm sure it could only have been hemp - there
wasn't any security around it, so it couldn't have been licenced
marijuana cultivation.

I should have added to my earlier post that, while some people do not
always agree that Eden's aims are clear, some of them are certainly to
educate people about plants, nature, the use of plants, the
interdependency of species and so forth. Showing what hemp is used for
is probably apart of that educational exhibition and the part hemp
plays in maritime history, for example.
South Devon