On 2013-08-24 11:09:29 +0100, David Hill said:
On 24/08/2013 10:58, David Hill wrote:
On 24/08/2013 08:16, Derek wrote:
After many years with a small garden I now have a very large blank
canvas to keep me occupied. At the moment, its featureless. Can anyone
suggest a good book on Garden Design.
You asked about books, not how to design your garden
I would go to your local library and get out books with plenty of
pictures of garden, then make notes of things you like.
By using the library you can go through loads of books, then if you find
a book you really like then decide if you want to buy it.
But don't be in a rush, if it's an old garden you might find some real
treasures pop up in their own time, If it's a new build then you need to
get the soil into condition and find out if the drainage is good first,
nothing worse than finding out to late that you have a patch with no
drainage and everything getting waterlogged.
David @ a dull and blustery side of Swansea Bay
Just wondering, have you googled Garden designs lots of good pictures
and sites such as http://www.creativelandscapes.co.uk/default.asp
I like the work of Tom Hoblyn and Jo Thompson. They're quite 'relaxed'
and could be adapted to most peoples' use, imo. But it's such a
subjective thing when all's said and done.
South Devon