Thread: Nomocharis
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Old 24-08-2013, 04:17 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Janet Janet is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2013
Posts: 548
Default Nomocharis

In article , says...

"G Wolmershäuser" wrote ...


I would have that problem, too. I've often admired images of
Nomocharis, but never seen them for sale. Must do some research.

I am cultivating hundreds of lilies as well as a couple of cardiocrinum,
notholirion and nomocharis etc. This doesn't prevent my neighbour's cats
invade my garden. :-)

It won't stop them invading but if they get any of the pollen on their fur
and then lick it off. as they are washing themselves. they will die slowly
as their organs start to shut down. I do grow some lilies but always remove
the pollen as soon as the flowers open and will not let any come into flower
low down at cat height.

Have you ever heard of this happening in the UK, to cats in gardens?
I've grown lilies and kept cats for decades and the whole shebang live
to old age.

AFAIK it's a US worry, their cats are (bored) indoor pets who may
walk in or brush against lily pollen dropped from indoor flower
