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Old 22-08-2013, 11:19 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Janet Janet is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2013
Posts: 548
Default Strawberry propagation

In article ,

Next year I have other plans for the strawberry patch. I want to transfer
them from the allotment soil into planters. I'm thinking of buying 6 Quadro
stackables from eBay :-

I've filled some 3" pots with compost and placed them under the runners, to
root the newly forming strawberry plantlets.

Q1. When the plantlets have become established, should I leave them in situ
to over-Winter or should they be transferred to the coldframe?

a small pot above ground can easily freeze solid, so cut off their
umbilical cords and transfer them to cold frame during winter. Or their
new planters.

Q2. Next year, will the parent plants still be capable of producing good
fruit (in the planter) or should I rely on 'new blood'. Thanks in

Depends how old the parents are. Usually their best fruiting is from
their second and third flowering; after that it declines.
