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Old 21-08-2013, 03:32 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David Hill David Hill is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2012
Posts: 2,947
Default Glasshouse clearance update

On 21/08/2013 11:39, Broadback wrote:
On 21/08/2013 11:29, Baz wrote:
Broadback wrote in

On 21/08/2013 09:47, David Hill wrote:
Well getting through the jungle slowly, I reckon I have cut and
burned around half a ton of vegetation so far and more to go.
I have cleared 40 ft of the first bay and 30 ft of the second one.

this shows the site taken through the glass at one end

Once all the plant material is gone then it will be a fairly quick
job to get the pots, timber and old benches cleared.
The new greenhouses are being delivered on the 3rd of Sept, so I have
a deadline to work to.
Not helped by the wife having a rash of medical appointments this
week and next, 7 in all and a day out for her birthday.
David @ an overcast side of Swansea Bay
Not a day out at hospital I hope!

Looks like a huge task!
Can you get help with it? I mean from the local council. They will surely
help you.

Good luck with it. I hope it is a simpler task than it looks.

Surely this is not your garden David? I am sure you would never have let
it get into that condition.

I'm afraid it is my place, it was one of those jobs you put off, having
so much to do and the wife's health not being good, and many other excuses.
No chance of any help, and certainly not the council, I'll probably have
to ferry the glass to recycling over several months or they will object.
They weren't happy when I took an old fridge to be recycled that I
hadn't de greased and cleaned it.
Just me and my poor old aching body.
David @ overcast Swansea Bay