Another wasps' nest!
"Sacha" wrote
On 2013-08-20 18:02:56 +0100, Bob Hobden said:
"Sacha" wrote ...
I think that's the third this year, all on this property. I do hope
we haven't got any in neighbouring fields as well. One of the
Nursery staff helps on his family's farm and says that he was
cutting hedges the other day. He saw a cloud of wasps emerge as he
was tidying up and a very few yards further on, another cloud. Two
seemed be using one rabbit hole but had - presumably - made
different nests in the warren.
Seems a very bad (or good!) year for Wasps.
We were warned it would be by the pes control man. I think there's
another yet because we've still got quite a few flying about.
Only yesterday I was catching up with a gardening mag from about a week
ago which had a piece saying wasps had had a hard time this year and
were therefore fewer. Perhaps the wasps, like a lot of other things this
year, were just later appearing but now making up for it..