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Old 20-08-2013, 03:34 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Bertie Doe Bertie Doe is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 448
Default Maincrop spuds....

"Baz" wrote in message ...

....are not very good for us on the allotment.
They have been regularly watered and manure was dug in prior to sowing.
Four types, Cara, Maris Piper, King Edward and Golden Wonder.
All have the haulms flopping over, some are black. To me that means they
are ready to harvest.
In the garden at home they are still thriving with rich haulms. Sowed at
the same time, well, same day.

We have eaten all of the earlies, and it was a very large sowing.

It's been a good year on the allotment. 2 rows each of Foremost and
Homeguard lifted stored and/or given away.

The remaining 2 rows each of Wilja, Nichola and Desire' started to turn
yellow last Thursday. Tops removed on Friday and spuds earthed up again.
They'll stay in the ground until required. They look in good nick but I'll
keep an eye on them.