Humming bird hawk moth
"Sacha" wrote in message ...
We had this visitor tonight round some Phlox plants just outside the
window. I watched it as best I could from inside and its darting habit
certainly seems to tally with that Hawk moth. It had rather a dark black
and grey body with a black rump.There was a red bar just above the rump but
maybe that was from the flash of the wings which was so rapid it made them
invisible. I know some of the Nursery team have seen one of these around
in the last few days but it's the first time I've seen one here, although
I've seen the Elephant hawk mother quite a few times on e.g. Salvia
involucrata but not yet this year.
Couple of years ago, I had the HBHM caterpillar feeding on one of our large
fuchsia bushes. Some time later, I saw the adult feeding on the fuchsia
flowers. Tried to photo it, but it's much too quick. Location - E Cornwall.