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Old 08-09-2013, 04:45 AM posted to rec.gardens
songbird[_2_] songbird[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 3,072
Default Dwart Washington Navel orange - biennial?

Higgs Boson wrote:
Thanks, Kay - very informative. Question: From the tree's
POV, its raison d'etre -- along with all living things,
including people -- is to reproduce the species. So why
would it engage in such wild "mood-swings", rather than
consistently reserving enough photosynthate (new term to
me) to produce enough fruit which it "hopes" will create
more trees?

once you take a natural fruit tree and then graft it
onto some other root stock, then plant it in a lawn you've
stacked the deck against regular production.

if you want alternative views on fruit tree production
methods read Sepp Holzer and Masanobu Fukuoka as both
use/used natural methods and found more even production.

still, in some areas, you cannot escape climate issues
like early thaws or frosts which destroy the blooms. so...
you accept, and move on, plant many varieties and enjoy
what nature brings, put some up for the lean times.
