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Old 08-09-2013, 01:24 AM posted to rec.gardens
David Hare-Scott[_2_] David Hare-Scott[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 3,036
Default Dwart Washington Navel orange - biennial?

Higgs Boson wrote:
Last year my beloved little tree finally bore TWELVE heavenly oranges
- taste out of this world!

This year it has only TWO! Gardener thinks it's one year on, one year
But does he *know?*

Any experience out there? I tried a Web search, but the only thing I
found was that it needs to be pollinated. Thanks a lot!

I guess those two new fruits got pollinated somehow; I didn't notice.
Just found ONE new bloom.

So is it annual or biennial? If annual, what am I doing wrong? I'm
giving it adequate food, water and She is giving it sunshine.

If biennial, why those 2-1/2 volunteers?

This is So. Calif coastal.

Thanks for any enlightenment.


It is neither annual (growing for one year) nor biennial (growing for two
years) but a perennial (growing for many years). It is the case though that
some fruit trees have a cycle where they fruit well in some years and not in
others. AFAIK there is nothing you can do about that other than keep the
tree healthy and growing well.