Originally Posted by Chris Wilson[_2_]
I have had an Iseki SG15 for about 14 years, and it's been an excellent
machine, but it's now costing too much to keep up to scratch. I am looking
to replace it with another diesel ride on. It must be industrial quality (2
acres plus of lawn to mow), collect the cuttings, have excellent wet
pickup, and have excellent spares back up. I'd prefer a low hours used
machine or ex demo, but might run to a new one. What do people recommend
please. It need not lift the collection bag / box, we just scatter them in
woodland. MINIMUM 48 inch cut, prefer more. Central, rear or front deck.
Need not do more than cut grass, I have a full size tractor for heavier
work. Thanks.
Hi Chris, do you still have the Iseki 15' would you be interested in selling it, give me a call 07881943865