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Old 28-08-2013, 02:46 AM posted to
[email protected][_2_][_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2011
Posts: 237
Default Newbie with couple of probs with new turf

On Monday, August 26, 2013 8:27:49 AM UTC-4, Pat Kiewicz wrote:
Mike1975 said:

Anybody ?

Also I was told you could inject something like round up into the


of the weed without it affecting the grass is this the case or will it

seep out through the roots into the soil and affect the grass many

thanks all for looking

It looks like you did not entirely kill off the weeds/weedy grasses

that were growing there before you laid the sod. One of the photos

show a resprouting weed pushing up the sod.

It's also possible it came with the new turf.

Hand-removal or spot application of a broad-leaf weed killer will

take care of the non-grassy weeds.

+1 I'd apply a broadleaf weedkiller for lawns with a tank
sprayer to those weeds. They are easy to deal with.

The grassy weed is going to be

harder to control. You could try *carefully* wiping only the fast

growing weedy grass with an sponge brush dipped in Round-up.

Avoid getting any onto the desirable grass--Round-up will kill it, too.

+1. The tall thing looks like some kind of undesirable
grass. There are selective herbicides that will kill some of those,
but not many types. And even if it exists, it's typically expensive,
not sold in homeowner quantities, may need a license, etc. You're
not going to find it at the local garden store.

If there are just a few of those here and there, the above sponge approach is
the way to go. Above all, you don't want that stuff to go to seed
and spread. It may spread without going to see too, so the faster
you deal with it, the better. If it covers a whole spot, then you
can hit the one spot with roundup which will kill everything. Then
put in a new section of turf or re-seed when you're sure it's dead,
which usually takes a week or 10 days.

If you ever take on a similar project again, I'd recommend getting

the weedy area into luxurious growth and hitting it with Round-up.

Rake it off, wait to see if any new growth shows, and hit it again.

*Then* add top soil/ till/level prior to laying sod.


Pat in Plymouth MI

"Yes, swooping is bad."

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