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Old 15-08-2013, 10:12 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David Hill David Hill is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2012
Posts: 2,947
Default OT free lighting

On 15/08/2013 08:01, Chris Hogg wrote:
On Wed, 14 Aug 2013 23:21:19 +0100, David Hill

Well I have a large sectional concrete garage that has limited windows
and no way of adding more without major deconstruction work, It needs re
roofing so I may try to set s few of those into the new roof when I get
round to that job.
Problem is the roof runs North to South, so should I put them all on the
East slope?
I don't think it would be feasible to set them into the ridge.
David @ a damp side of Swansea bay

Why just limit it to the East side? You'll get just as many hours of
sunlight on the West side. But why use what appears to be essentially
a third world solution to the problem, where resources are scarce? You
could easily and probably more effectively put several skylights in,
and with less risk of leaking.

Well the wife only drinks Pop so I have so many 2 litre bottles being
recycled, and no shortage of water and I can spare a little bleach.
As for leaking, the bottles she has have a slight depression 3/4 of the
way up the bottle so mastic in this will hold the bottle in place and
seal it.
If it doesn't work I can still put in skylights, but for the price of a
couple of tubes of mastic why pay for skylights?