On 2013-08-14 11:32:27 +0100, echinosum said:
Sacha;989830 Wrote:
Would be nice, if anyone influential happens to read this. It's
ridiculously dry here! We've had lowering grey/black clouds on several
evenings but not a drop of the hard stuff. Ray dug down several inches
yesterday to plant a large Hedychium and says there wasn't a drop of
moisture to be seen. I crossed the River Dart today at Staverton
Bridge and it's lower than I've ever seen it, a very few inches at most
and there was a large flock of Canada Geese there, too.
Wasn't there heavy rain in the SW within the last 3 weeks? Be grateful
for the nice weather and turn the sprinklers on. That's the trouble
with places that usually get their rain frequently: they don't make much
provision for brief interruptions in service.
We had a couple of days of rain but nothing like some areas which were
actually flooded. If we had nice weather, in the real sense of that
word, we'd probably be quite happy, though watering the greenhouses is
a matter of routine anyway. But we've had several overcast days with
just a bit of sun breaking through, then disappearing, so outdoor
watering has also been necessary. There can't have been much rainfall
on Dartmoor because the river's so low. If it rains on Dartmoor, the
river rises rapidly because of all the run off from streams on the moor
coming down this way.
South Devon