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Old 14-08-2013, 04:15 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David Hill David Hill is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2012
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Default OT free lighting

On 14/08/2013 14:04, Jeff Layman wrote:
On 14/08/2013 09:25, David Hill wrote:
Interesting item, can you find a use for it?

Probably only for an hour or two around midday, and only on the equator.

To get 40 - 60 watts equivalent (let's say 50 for simplicity), with the
sun directly overhead, you'd need a bottle with a diameter of about 25
cm. I guess that a water bottle for a dispenser wouldn't be far off
that, so it is feasible. But it would be heavy (around 20 kg), and a
flat piece of glass with the same diameter would do just about the same

I think you need to look again at the weight.
A full 2 litre pop bottle weighs 2 kg + the weight of the bottle, and
this is the size used.