Thread: Butterfly id
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Old 09-08-2013, 04:52 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
sacha sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2013
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Default Butterfly id

On 2013-08-09 11:53:25 +0100, echinosum said:

sacha;989412 Wrote:

Nothing else seems to match the description. I went out today, hoping
to see it again but that didn't happen. I'll try again tomorrow, if
the weather holds. The forecast isn't great.
'Buy plants online, including rare and popular plant varieties from Hill
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South Devon

It's not that PE is never seen in S Devon, there are a handful of
sighting records there, it's just that its so rare there that we look
for another explanation first. I usually go for the trope that if there
are two explanations, one involving something very rare and one
involving something reasonably common, it is close to certain to be the
the latter. Thus the person who was strongly asserting they had seen a
golden oriole out of season and in the wrong place was eventually
persuaded it was a green woodpecker. But if you look under Camberwell
Beauty it says "rare migrant", but I've seen Camberwell Beauty a couple
of times; after all there's really no mistaking it. It's been a funny
year for butterflies, the obligate early breeders suffered badly, but
others have thrived.

It wasn't Purple Emperor as it didn't have those white markings on the
wings. But what did cross my mind today is that while butterfly
observing round here, we should probably be aware that Buckfastleigh
Butterfly Farm is just minutes away by road, so even fewer minutes by
butterfly. I suppose we might, one day, see the odd escapee! That
Camberwell Beauty is simply gorgeous but that I've certainly never seen.

South Devon