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Old 04-08-2013, 11:38 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Janet Janet is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2013
Posts: 548
Default OT how much USA peeps are different

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lid says...

On Sun, 4 Aug 2013 21:32:40 +0100, Yellow wrote:

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Broadback wrote:

When I was in the RAF we were working hand in glove with some Americans.
One bright spark compile a USA/English dictionary.

My dad told me an airline story: Typically, the crew radios in maintenance
issues on a company channel while in-flight, so things can be dealt with
quickly. One day, the report was "elevator jammed." Crash crews alerted,
medics on standby, the whole nine yards. They were talking about a small
dumbwaiter between decks (this was a jumbo jet). Thereafter, this device
was referred to as the "lift."

I had a confused conversation once with some Americans on a food group
where they were talking about Coffee Cake but the recipes had everything
in them except coffee.

It transpired that American Coffee Cake is cake eaten while drinking
coffee and was in fact just about any cake you fancied.

Rich tea biscuits contain no tea.

But when you dunk one in the mug of tea, a bit falls off, causing rich
