Thread: I'm livid
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Old 01-08-2013, 10:01 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Baz[_3_] Baz[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,775
Default I'm livid

Sacha wrote in

On 2013-08-01 19:09:02 +0100, Baz said:

Sacha wrote in

On 2013-08-01 15:28:21 +0100, Baz said:

Sacha wrote in

On 2013-08-01 12:24:56 +0100, Chris Hogg said:

On Thu, 01 Aug 2013 09:51:42 GMT, Baz wrote:

"Let It Be" wrote in

Tahiri wrote:
Is it too much to ask that he liases with me about what to
grow? Given that it's my ground and it cost a whole lot of
money, but that's not the point.

Next year two lots of peas, clearly labelled His and Hers!

Then he'll have double the crop for no effort on his part.

Then, and only then, write a letter saying "you are taking the
peas now" Of course you will have to write it in a foreign


"Vous avez mange tout" perhaps!

Or even "sucre bleu"

You eat everything blue sugar. Please, what does that mean?

Maintenant, vous êtes à la fois prenez la ****e.


I think you meant to say on fait un jeu des mots, Baz! ;-) 'mangez
tout' is a pun on mangetout peas. Sucre bleu was a very poor pun on
the French expletive 'sacre bleu'. I couldn't understand a word of
this in Dutch or German and would struggle in Italian very badly. I
just happened to learn French from a very young age, though if it
had been Chinese it would probably be more useful now! Martin's wife
speaks fluent French, so obviously some has rubbed off on him!

Si évidemment certains ont déteint sur lui.
très mal il semble.
pas un problème
Je peux voir le côté drôle de maintenant!
même si je ne comprends pas.


C'est un beau geste d'un gentil homme!

