Angela, it's me Mary Ellen again.
You need to hear from Marilyn Madgardener - - I think she'd ship you her
creeping myrtle/vinca in a HEARTBEAT! I used to have some hosta seeds,
which actually grew, but not any more. I can offer you columbine which does
pretty well in seed, and probably many others - - I must get my list going.
Now I'm going to look up wisteria and red oleander, neither of which I have.
Stay in touch!
Mary Ellen
Erie, PA - Zone 5
"Angela Coffey" wrote in message
I just harvested at least a thousand Red Oleander seeds from my Oleander
plant. I'll gladly trade anyone for other flower seeds or plants,
Hostas, Phlox, or any other ground cover or shade plant Just drop me an
e-mail or reply here
Oh how I LOVE Springtime, LOL!