Thread: Plant now
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Old 01-08-2013, 10:30 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Janet Janet is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2013
Posts: 548
Default Plant now

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Stephen Wolstenholme wrote in

I have vegetable bed that is clay soil. It hasn't been used for years.

Which vegetable can I plant in it at this time of year?


Depends how big the plot is.
I would sow some first early potatoes NOW, to harvest in Nov. or Dec.

iirc SW lives in Manchester, likely to have potatoes killed by frost
before then.


Actually I live about 10 miles South of Manchester in sunny, tropical

and when is your first frost date? Because once it happens the
potatoes will lose all their leafy topgrowth and stop growing potatoes.


I've no idea and neither does anyone else. The Met Office don't know

Gardeners first and last frost dates mean, the date at which you can
(roughly) anticpate frost in your area and plan accordingly.


That's based on a year before 1930. The weather isn't the same every

Then in answer to your original question, I suggest now would be a
great time for you to plant bananas. Baz is the banana expert.
