Thread: I'm livid
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Old 30-07-2013, 09:58 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
'Mike'[_4_] 'Mike'[_4_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2009
Posts: 3,959
Default I'm livid

OK, so the 'damage' has been done. Any sense in throwing a wobbly? Will it
repair the 'damage'? And the answer to both questions is ......... no. What
is done is done. Move on and live your life as from NOW, not from half and
hour ago. If you still keep on about it and letting it upset you, he has
scored twice. He has controlled you. Is that what you want? Be calm. Let it
go. Live from now on. Carpe Diem

Don't let ANYBODY control your feelings. YOU are in charge of those :-)

Have a nice evening.


"Christina Websell" wrote in message

The agreement was that my brother and I would share my land and the crops,
whether or not we grew them at home.

He's picked every pea and gone on holiday. I've tended the peas and watered
them and I am more than annoyed. Peas are my favourite veg.
I half want to change the padlock. I might still do it as he seems
incapable of not filling it all up and asking me what I want to grow.
I'm more than ticked off.

Is it too much to ask that he liases with me about what to grow? Given that
it's my ground and it cost a whole lot of money, but that's not the point.
He thinks he's going to get it when I die. He isn't.