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Old 30-07-2013, 03:43 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Janet Janet is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2013
Posts: 548
Default Aid to cut a small hedge straight

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On 30/07/2013 08:02, Broadback wrote:

I have no eye, so my straight lines aren't. I try running string the
length of the hedge, but that does not work well, apart from anything
else I tend to keep cutting the string, also of course it bows in the
middle. Is there any way of ensuring I cut my mini hedge straight? I
have a laser level, but sadly that does not show up in the bright
outdoors. TIA

Length of scrap washing line or a piece of long thin wood as a straight
edge guide depending on what you are trying to cut and how accurately.

I generally do my big hedge by eye aided and abetted by my wife judging
it for straight from a distance. That way it isn't my fault. I also trim
it periodically when the sun is almost perpendicular to the front
surface to tidy up any stragglers that are sticking out.

It is incredibly difficult to judge straight lines from close to by eye
unless you have some easy way to hold the cutter at constant height.

Bang stakes or canes into ground at intervals; then use a broad marker
or spray to mark the required finished height on each stake.

Cut hedge using marked stakes as guide.

Bear in mind that unless the hedge grows on absolutely level ground
you won't want to cut the whole length of hedge X " high. You want the
top to be level, which is not necessarily level height (IYSWIM).
