Passiflora cuttings - when is best and what is the easiest method?
Lynda Thornton wrote:
My mother in law has several rampant passiflora plants and I wanted to
get a cutting or two and get them going in my garden. Is it too early
in the season (East Anglia) to do this and do they just need hormone
rooting powder and compost?
They like, bottom heat (I'm assuming that you're referring to P caerulea
or incarnata as these are the 2 that do pretty well outside in the UK.
As you describe them as rampant;-))
Most texts suggest late summer, when new growth has ripened and to use
'internodal' cuttings (like Fuchsia).
You basically take a pice of stem and cut just above where the leaves
come out (the node) and then trim the stem below that to an inch or 2.
Passiflora do appreciate warmth at the base when rooting, so a
propagator or in the very least a black tray or flowerpot with a bag
over the top until they are rooted is a good idea.
Rooting powder is up to you.. I do use it for Passiflora.
That said I just pruned my Passiflora quadrangularis and used the
prunings to do 7 cuttings.
You may find that you can also layer the hardy outdoor types.. Take a
new stem and lay iton the ground, cover with compost and weight or pin
down and leave for a couple of months.. With luck it'll form roots.