Thread: Beetroot
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Old 25-07-2013, 01:23 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
indigo indigo is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2013
Posts: 93
Default Beetroot

"Baz" wrote:
Derek Turner wrote:

On 24/07/2013 15:09, David Hill wrote:
On 24/07/2013 13:50, Indigo wrote:
Is it too late to sow more beetroot?

Give it a try, What have you to loose?

Apart from the cost of the seeds And if they don't make beets you
can always dig them in as a green manure!

And the leafs are very nice in a salad, eaten raw. I am sure you will
get some leafs at least. High in ferritin if you have iron
deficiencies in the blood, I am told.

Don't know about that Baz, but a few extra minerals and vitamins surely
won't go amiss. I read one article that said some chemical in beetroot
helps you relax and lifts mood as well, so perhaps GPs ought to be
prescribing beetroot salads all round. I used to think cooking fresh
beets was a messy affair that stained your pans and took hours, but just
washing and top'n' tailing small ones and baking them in foil is a
breeze, I found.

We had a bit of welcome rain last night so I'll rake the cleared bit
over and put another row in while it's still moist.

Thanks all.