Conifer aphid massive infestation
Ha ha - I would gladly do so if it were possible! It's always the way,
one nice little tree on its own doing no harm gets devastated ... anyway
I will be removing the ladybirds by hand and then zapping the aphids
once the rain has stopped.
In article , bnd777
Bottle the little blighters and send them to me ......I have 56 pesky
conifers the other side of our boundary they can invade and kill anytime
"Lynda Thornton" wrote in message
In article , Janet Baraclough
The message
from Lynda Thornton contains these words:
My small conifer (3-4 feet high) has suddenly become absolutely thickly
infested with grey aphids. This seems to have happened almost
They are so bad I think they might kill the tree if I don't do
- what would be recommended for this?
Hang a peanut feeder on it. Birds will come for the nuts and find and
clear the aphids as swiftly as they appeared. I've done this and it
works even on large conifers.
Unfortunately it's in the small front garden which is very open and
which already has a rowan tree in it which never has any birds in it. I
don't think that will work, I need a chemical solution!
Lynda Thornton