Scots Pine
On Wed, 26 Jun 2013 13:41:12 +0100, RustyHinge wrote:
Many around here have old needles that are red/brown but haven't
fallen. They also don't appear to be shoving out bright green new
I noticed similar orange scragginess on a Douglas fir yesterday. (S.
Hum, it's pretty widespread up here (North Pennines), Of the Scots
Pine you can see from the roads centred on Alston to Penrith,
Carlisle, Hexham and to Cowshill in Weardale, I'd say 90% are
affected and now that other trees (including other confiers) are well
in leave/growing on they do stand out as "orange scragginess" or not
healthy looking. That's an area of the order of 1000 square miles...