On 2013-06-25 09:53:06 +0100, mark said:
There is a 'Citizen Science Project' being undertaken by the
University of Sussex.
It came to my attention via the Waitrose mag.
If you have a gadget that feeds on apps you can take part. The app is
called Bee Friendly. I've just got it and is easy to use.
The idea is to understand the main pollinating insects and what
flowers they prefer (something like that!)
It ties in with Phil Gurr's post and we will find out if bumble bees
are doing all the work and honey bees are lazy gits.
I've been doing my bit and have only seen bumble bees, one hover fly
and no honey bees in my initial survey.
Lots of bumblebees here. I've seen two honey bees and several hover
flies. As we live close to Buckfast Abbey, we're puzzled as to the lack
of honeybees, so I looked at its web site. They still keep bees and
what's more, they run courses in bee keeping. This page gives the
history and at the bottom, there's a link to the courses.
South Devon