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Old 22-06-2013, 02:07 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
RustyHinge RustyHinge is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2013
Posts: 180
Default Ground Elder removing!

On 19/06/13 12:53, Mick wrote:
On Wed, 19 Jun 2013 08:46:53 +0100 (BST), wrote:

In article ,
Mick wrote:
Hi all,
In my small front garden in South UK, despite deep digging and
removing it before planting new shrubs etc there is ground elder
shooting up.

I try and dig down each time and remove the root as far as I can.

Will this weaken it over time or should I use a week killer that is
painted on the leaves? if so which one?

Yes, it will, but I would also use HALF-STRENGTH glyphosate on
the leaves. After some time, they will die. If you repeat that
half-a-dozen times, it will kill it.

Nick Maclaren.

It is in what amounts to a big brick built pot, around 25 feet long by
6 feet wide and 3 feet deep, but when it was built in the 80s they put
clay in the bottom.

I can get bits of root out until I get to the clay, and it is filled
with plants now too.

At least there is no problem from anything next door, just the nightly
drunks throwing rubbish in it on there way home from the pub.

In that case I would (really!) encourage the stuff - but prevent it from

Rusty Hinge