Thread: Compost Quality
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Old 21-06-2013, 02:58 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Judith in England Judith in England is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2012
Posts: 218
Default Compost Quality

I had heard that B&Qs multipurpose compost was this year much improved compared
to the rubbish last year.

I bought a couple of bags - one of them was OK - the other bag had bits of
plastic, bits of wood,silver paper, the usual rubbish.

I sent the rubbish back to B&Q.

They phoned up today to follow up my complaint: during the conversation I was
told that they had only had 5 complaints about that compost this year!!

I didn't know that they had all written - but I think I know the other 5
people who were far from happy with the quality.

After I found the rubbish I asked a colleague (who had also experienced the
poor quality of B&Q compost last year) what he was using this year. he said
Westland Jack's Magic.

I bought three large bags from Homebase: perfect : just like the compost we
used to get :-).

(In my letter to B&Q I had suggested that they went round to Homebase and
bought some of it to test - to see if it met their own exacting standards :-)