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Old 08-06-2013, 04:52 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Chris J Dixon Chris J Dixon is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 310
Default Washing up liquid

Sacha wrote:

I was just talking to Matthew about some people using washing up liquid
to spray whitefly and he's adamant that it has to be Fairy Liquid! He
commented that 'all that eco-friendly stuff is no good' and the
constituents cause leaf scorch. So, for what it's worth I pass it on.
Not that I'm suggesting for one second that anyone should use a washing
up liquid for anything other than its intended purpose but we know how
some people like to bend the rules.....

A while ago, I had trouble with woolly aphid on a large
ornamental crab apple and used washing up liquid at the
concentration of a generous squirt to a 5 litre Killaspray. The
aphids did get knocked back, but they were soon followed by all
the leaves dropping off.

I mentioned this once before, and got the comment:

I don't think the amount is too vital as long as its not too much.

To which I could only respond: To be pedantic, isn't that a
rather circular argument?

The next winter I tried a tar oil wash (when it was still
permitted) but this was difficult to use without killing stuff in
my, and my neighbour's, borders.

Eventually I admitted defeat, and a snake bark maple is now
filling the spot.

Chris J Dixon Nottingham UK

Plant amazing Acers.